Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Here we go

This idea has been rolling in my head ever since I knew I was going to be moving. I've finally decided to implement it. I'll be starting a blog for the benefit of my family and friends that are out of state or that I may not keep in contact with as regularly. If you're on my Facebook, when I update it will show up automatically on my profile and in your News Feed. This way, the people I don't see very often will still know what's going on in my life.

If I were to be honest, I'd have to say that nothing of much interest has been happening here in Maryland. After the New Year, I started back up with Weight Watchers and have been working to get back into the rhythm of having self-restraint with snacking. So far, I have not done as well. It's more difficult when your husband isn't doing it, too. Although, Dayne and I have agreed that he'll probably gain weight from eating the extra food I would normally have eaten if I weren't portioning things.

This last Sunday we got a record 24 inches of snow (in our area, at least), and the entire state was in a panic and stocking up on food and toilet paper. It was pretty insane. All the schools are canceled probably this entire week because we're due for another storm to hit tomorrow. And all I can think is "If this were WISCONSIN, we'd have a two-hour delay at best, and then we'd be off to school and work." The mayor can also declare a State of Emergency so the kids don't need to make up the school days, too.
Lucky punks.

At present, nothing new is happening. Right now I have a sinus infection, so last night Dayne got me a prescription for a strong anti-biotic (it really is nice having a husband in the medical field) and also picked up some Vicks VapoRub, a Vicks Plug-In, and a Neti Pot. Now, if you don't know what a Neti Pot is... you use it to pour a saline solution into one nostril and it cleans your sinuses and goes out the other nostril. It is possibly the most bizarre sensation EVER, but it works and I'm not as stuffed up.

As I update, I'll try to post some pictures from time to time, and also do a VideoBlog entry every once in awhile. That's is for now!


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