Monday, August 27, 2012


I have many long-term goals in life - for example: owning a home, becoming a mother, living a healthy lifestyle, having a uncluttered living space, just to name a few. I've begun to realize, however, that I tend to see the big picture and not the baby steps that I need to take to reach my goals. I have always known that I am a "I want to see immediate results!" type of person (which is why my art is never finished), and I think that is my biggest weakness. I also tend to be my own worse enemy and am so critical of myself when I fail that I just give up altogether.

Since the first step to accomplishing ANY of my goals is to first change this destructive frame of mind, for the month of September, I am going to keep track of the positive things I've done each day. Even if it's just something little like, "Hey, I took out the recycling today!" I'm going to focus on the things that I DID do, not the things I didn't do.