Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why, hello again :|

Yeaaaaaah... it's been awhile. :| Especially since an actual update and not just a Blogging for Books review. Anyway.

I'm on my fourth week of Weight Watchers since starting it again. I've been somewhat disappointed each week when I step on the scale for my weigh-in, but I managed to keep from getting discouraged, since I also started doing my measurements. I didn't do them last Monday, since I started in the middle of the week. But as of this Monday, I've lost an inch from my arms, 2 from my hips, and 2.5 from my waist. So I can at least take comfort in the fact that, while I've not lost many pounds, that at least they're coming from fat and not just water weight.

I think my success is at least partly coming from the mini-goals I've been setting for myself.

Week 2, I made my goal to exercise and to drink more water. Both were a success, and have carried over into each subsequent week. I've been doing at least 20 minutes of Zumba every morning, Monday through Friday. I take the weekends off. :|

Week 3, I made it a goal to take vitamins. I'm taking a multivitamin, a Calcium + Vitamin D supplement, and an Omega-3 supplement. And I've been remembering to take them, because I keep them by my coffee maker.

And this week, I made my goal to get the recommended amounts of dairy and of fruits and veggies at least three days a week. I decided not to set it at every day, since I knew this would be something I needed to take baby steps on. Yesterday I didn't do as well on the veggies, and today I haven't done so well on the dairy, so far. I may have to keep working at this one. I also maybe should have only done one or the other. :| But oh well.

I'm thinking that by setting Wellness Goals in addition to following WW, I'll be better equipped to maintain my weight, once I reach my goal, because I'll have established healthy habits.

I'm also hoping I'll catch the Spring Cleaning Bug, and manage to get this place under control. Right now it is a hot mess. I thought that by giving up video games for Lent, I'd be more inclined to clean, but I still sit on the computer more than I should. :|


  1. Are you doing old points system or Points Plus? I actually just did an update about this myself.

  2. I'm doing the Points Plus. The first time I did it, a few years ago I had a bunch of success with the old system, and the new one took some getting used to. But I LOOOOVE fruits, so it killed me before that I couldn't really just eat as many as I wanted. I like that with the new system.

  3. Keep up the good work! It's a hard thing to do sometimes, but if we aren't healthy for ourselves who is going to keep tabs on us?
