Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow, snow, snow!

It will never cease to amuse me how people react to snow around here. During one of the first bouts of snow this winter, it wasn't even really sticking and people were driving like the sky was falling. I did SOME driving last winter, but not in any of the nasty stuff, so really this is like my first winter driving in a lot of snow, and even I'm going "COME ON, PEOPLE!"

They hear the word "snow" in the weather forecast and everyone is at the grocery store stocking up. Although, I can't judge... I did some stocking up, too, for one of the storms. I'm not surprised that the kids only had one day of school this week, but I still crack up at the fact that they have cancellations for things that wouldn't even get a two-hour delay in Wisconsin.

Also, digging my car out this morning was NOT FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Oklahoma is the same way! They will actually close doctor's offices and stuff even if the forecast is bad. It's like com'on!
