Monday, January 10, 2011

Blogging for Books

I have recently joined the world of Blogging for Books, and should expect my first book to arrive in anywhere around 10 business days. To be honest, I'm not so sure how this will pan out... as I proved during school, I'm not so great at reading books that I'm not interested in, so hopefully the books I pick will keep my interest well enough so that I can finish them and do my review. None of the first books I could choose from really caught my eye, so my fingers are crossed that the one I picked will be a good one.

Other news -- my New Years Resolution is to de-clutter my life. That means, my mind, my home, ect... I'm going to take it slowly, one step at a time, so that hopefully I will able to keep a steady course, and not burn myself out. My first major step has been to start a private journal. I have done this MANY MANY MANY times, and while it ALWAYS helps, I have not kept at it. This is obviously to help de-clutter my mind, since it is so often overcrowded with thoughts (and not all of them are very helpful), so the idea is that by getting them on paper, they won't be on my mind.

The second step so far, that I've done, is to go through my closet and dresser. It only took a half hour and I filled up TWO garbage bags of clothes that I'm doing to drop off at Goodwill. I was merciless with the clothing that had been in the back of the closet since I moved in here. Normally I would have been hemming and hawing over "Oh, but I DO still really like this shirt, and I might still wear it some day!" But half the time I was going "Oh yeah, THIS shirt... I remember this shirt... *toss in the bag*" I'm not sure if Goodwill takes PJs, but I did the same thing there.

I guess I'm not sure what the next step will be yet. But I foresee plenty of trips to Goodwill. Also, I really need to get a eBay business up and running... I'm just nervous to start and then do something wrong.

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